

Sean and Kat formed Lost Creek Cattle Company in 2010 when they purchased the home quarter. We stocked it with 20 registered cows from Howery Angus and began selling bulls with Pharo Cattle Company in the fall of 2011.  Our cows have been selected to thrive on an all forage diet, and it has been the leading factor in our ability to ride the ups and downs of the cattle markets. The cows that make up Lost Creek Cattle Company, are moderate framed, grass efficient, and docile.  We strive to build a herd that has calving ease combined with great efficiency ($EN) and moderate growth.  We run on a combination of native and tame pastures in Southwest North Dakota.  The bulls that we sell every fall through Pharo Cattle Company will help your operation by providing offspring that are easy fleshing, low maintenance animals that will thrive on the forage that your operation can provide.

Our bull sale is the 3rd Saturday in November at the Headwaters Sale barn in Three Forks Montana.

Weinert Family

Weinert Family